27 October 2010

2 dalam 1.

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani..

ok. post smalam tu penuh dgn ke-tidakpuashati-an aku. tp kan, sepanjang hari semalam aku asyik terpikir. n rase cm nyesal lak tulis cm tu. yela, manusia ble nga geram bukan ingat pape. maen ckp je. sbb ble pikir2 balik, kat sini lagi byk ko boley blajar compare ngan kat malaysia.

sebab lecturer kat sini sume hafal dalil n hadith. yela, da tentu dyorg org arab.plus, ade sorg ulama' pernah ckp, ilmu yang kedua mendekatkan diri pada ALLAH ialah ilmu perubatan. so aku agak termasok la kan even cabang je dr perubatan tu. tp sgt betol. bukan nk kate kat malaysia x ley nk hayati, tp kat sini live lecturer bagi. sume topic dy relate kan dgn hadith atau ayat Al- Quran. mmg terase menusuk la.

salah satu nye,
hari tu belajat anatomy,

dermis, epidermis, hypodermis, dead cell,

skin is the only organ that have sensation,

pain, hot, cold, pressure, touch.

sampai ayat seterusnye, aku tertarik gle.

if someone can bring his or her small intestine here while he is alive, and i start cutting his small intestine, he wont feel any pain because small intestine does not have any sensory nerve like the skin.

tetibe lecturer bace ayat Al-Quran. sume blur. pastu dy sambung ckp,

if u open the Quran, our creator, Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala had said there that the skin of the people in the hell, Neraka Jahannam will be change by time. Nauzubillah.
but the question is, WHY?

sume diam. yela kan. sume x hafal Al-Quran. ayat ape yang dy bace un ktorg x tau dr surah ape.
pastu lecturer geleng2 pale n sambung bercakap,

because the skin is the only organ that have sensation. if the skin is burned, we have to change it so the person will get back his sensation. 


maksod tersirat di sebalik ayat suci Allah. semua mmg kagum n terdiam la. terasa kerdil nye diri. dasyatnye seksaan Allah pada penghuni neraka.

Alhamdulillah. semakin menjumpai hikmah tercampak di bume mesir ni am nye, n tanta khusus nye.

rembat dari blog luqman,

'Debu..debu..debu,,huhu..ye,kat sini mmg byk debu.bak kate sorg ustaz tu,debu kat mesir ni debu para ulama’ yg masih bersisa utk generasi seterusnya dan xkan hilang debu tu,punyelah besar jasa ulama.ustaz tu kate;bumi mesir ni tmpt yg ke2 mulia slps masjidilharam.'

thanks luqman. =)

so, azyan.
STOP complaining
STOP comparing



hayyanAFFIQ said...

bagos la ko da insap ngan post ko seblom ni. haha. INSAP. cam xle bla jek.

kat tanta jek kot camtu. kat ain shams ok jek. bole jek bising2. sporting kot. tapi bab relate quran gak ah yg bes :)

AzyanAaziz said...

HAHAHA. agak r.

y pelik nye, ble ktorg senyap, dy suh jawab. ble jawab soh diam. apekah? mmg x paham la. huhu. len u, len sistem. tp mmg bab quran uh la paling besh.

aLi said...

huhu...amat menarik bab neraka tu...patut la kulit ditukar2 ek...
dah macam da'ie dah yan...hehe=))
mmg kolej islam la//...~~wee

AzyanAaziz said...

erm, tu r. mmg menarik kot. x pena tau un selame ni.
ceit, tu y aku bengang tu. ko dr dulu x abes2 nk kenekan aku. cess~

.Anak Abah. said...

yan. npe ak nanges bce post ko yg ni?? hurm..
duk cne molek deyh syg.. doa kitorg kt cni slaluu untuk ko.. =)
sesungguhnya DIA maha mengetahui... =)